Other Services Offered

Christie’s provides a variety of other services listed here for your information:


We have professionals on site to evaluate your antique jewelry and restore it so as to maintain its integrity, strengthen it, and bring it back to its original beauty.


For rings, bracelets, or other jewelry where the style permits, we offer hand engraving in script, block letter, or monogram styles. Laser engraving is also available when needed, such as on alternative metals or medical bracelets.

Pearl Stringing:

We sell add-a-pearl and single pearl necklaces; additional pearls are strung for you at no charge. We also provide restringing of pearls purchased elsewhere, with or without knots. We can restring and replace clasps.


We always provide basic cleaning of your jewelry, upon request, for free. During the cleaning process, we evaluate your jewelry to determine whether it needs additional service.


We provide free estimates of your jewelry for basic retail value or private sale value. We also provide free estimates of the cost for repairs or other services.

Gift Wrapping:

We will gift-wrap any of your purchases at Christie’s for free. Just ask.

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